We’ve added 10 new Stable Diffusion XL-based models to the AI Generator. These are:
  • RealVisXL V1.0 - produces realistic images
  • InfiniAnimeXL - anime style images
  • DynaVision XL - produces stylized 3D model output similar to computer graphics animation like Pixar, Dreamworks, Disney Studios, Nickelodeon, etc.
  • ProtoVision XL is a portrait model, it favors showing human subjects.
  • SDVN7-NijiStyleXL - it can create a lot of great styles when combining anime, sketch and realistic styles together. You can use a combination of style art supported by SDXL.
  • XXMix_9realisticSDXL - produces realistic images
  • Lah Mysterious - aims to create fantasy atmosphere that leans more towards Asian culture, either from ancient times or an urban future setting.
  • Reproduction v3.31 - anime style images
  • Copax TimeLessXL v5 - produces realistic images
  • CounterfeitXL - anime style images